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Mẹ’s Way Vegan Stir Fry Noodles

INGREDIENTS 1 tablespoon vegetable oil 2 teaspoon garlic minced ½ thinly sliced sweet onion ½ cup green cabbage ½ cup sliced white mushrooms ¼ cup (42.5g) Kroger® Imitation Crab Meat Salt, pepper, and LA Natural Mushroom Seasoning to taste 1 bag of Asha Tainan Noodles (95 g)

_Simply add Noodles to boiling water for three to five minutes until noodles are slightly soft and flexible, but DO NOT DRAIN the noodles yet. Sauce mixture: Mix _2 tablespoons of vegetarian soy sauce _1 tablespoon of oyster sauce _1 tablespoon of sugar _3 tablespoon of water 1/2 cup sliced green onion and cilantro ½ teaspoon black pepper


Preheat the vegetable oil in a large pan over medium high heat. Add garlic to the pan and stir it until it has a light gold color. Add sweet onion to the pan and stir it about 30 seconds. Add green cabbage and white mushroom with salt, pepper, and Mushroom Seasoning to taste. Cook for 2 minutes. Add Imitation Crab Meat.

Then use a tong to grab the noodles from the pot and place directly to the pan. Leaving the water inside the pot.

Add the sauce mixture slowly while tossing to combine. Add the sauce mixture to taste. Add ½ of sliced green onion and cilantro to the pan and toss one more time. Place the noodle on a dish, sprinkle with green onion and cilantro, and black pepper, then serve.


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